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Our Mission & Vision

About White Mountain Christian Academy

White Mountain Christian Academy is extremely pleased to be able to bring an educational experience to the White Mountains that is both classical and Biblical.

The beauty of the classical model is its simplicity. Throughout history, individuals have longed to know the answers to questions that resonate deep within their being: What is the nature of this thing we call reality? What is a human being, and what is the meaning of our existence? Is there a way that we should live? These questions and more make up what has been called “the Great Conversation,” and brilliant thinkers have been writing on both sides of these issues for thousands of years. The classical model’s trivium is a method for teaching these ideas when they are developmentally appropriate. Young children love memorizing basic facts about everything, middle-schoolers like to question things to understand both sides of an issue, and high-schoolers are capable of assuming a position and logically defending it—saying what they think and why they think it.

In addition, the Bible tells us the extraordinarily good news that God has revealed Himself to us and removed the veil that keeps us from knowing Him. He has revealed Himself in the wonders of the created order, something that many of the classical writers intuitively understood (Romans 1:18-23), but also in the special revelation of the Bible and Jesus Christ, the Word which “became flesh, and dwelt among us.”(John 1:1, 14 & 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

In The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis expressed concern that modern educational methods, by ignoring “the Great Conversation,” would fail to cultivate the virtues inherent in classical knowledge. Educated but without virtue, Lewis called these people “men without chests,” an idea expressed in The Chronicles of Narnia when Prince Caspian says, “Wouldn’t it be dreadful if some day, in our own world, at home, men started going wild inside, like the animals here, and still looked like men?”

Our desire at WMCA is to partner with families in a covenantal relationship and encourage our students to participate in “the Great Conversation” using God’s Word as the ultimate reference point.

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we learn to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength!

What Makes WMCA Unique

Not only are we the only Christian high school in the White Mountains, but we are the only school with a classical-based curriculum. Our community has been in dire need of a Christian high school, and thanks to the faithfulness of God, we are blessed to see it come to fruition.

God has brought us caring teachers who are invested in the lives of their students. We are always accepting applications for educators as we know God has great plans for our school to grow.

As an affiliate ministry of White Mountain Bible Church, the church community invests in WMCA spiritually through prayer and physically by supporting the faculty in their mission to produce students who have the mind of Christ. Those who invest in WMCA (parents, grandparents, faculty, coaches, etc.) can encourage young people to be rooted in their Christian faith and equip them to face challenges now and in the future. What an amazing thing to be a part of!

The Vision & Mission of
White Mountain Christian Academy

White Mountain Christian Academy exists to serve Christ and His Kingdom by sharing the Gospel and partnering with parents to train students by way of Scripture and the traditions of Classical education.

If we are effective in our partnership, our graduates will possess:



Students will demonstrate high moral standards. They will recognize obedience as an expression of love for God and His word. They will honor God and those made in His image and rightly order their affections. Students will study the Bible as their moral compass and the representations of virtue in classical literature.



Students will think deeply, reason soundly, recognize the consequences of ideas, and make wise choices. Students will learn to make all thoughts captive to Christ and love what God loves.



Students will demonstrate fluent and persuasive speech. They will listen discerningly and speak winsomely in articulate defense of truth, goodness, and beauty.



Students will demonstrate well-rounded foundations. They will gain mastery of the tools utilized by the great thinkers of history. They will learn grammar (the rules and structure of each subject), logic (the ability to understand the implications and build on the foundations of those rules), and rhetoric (the ability to present and defend their conclusions). Students will appreciate the connections between literature, arts, and the sciences, enabling them to pursue lifelong learning in areas of  special interest and the ability to be conversant and competent in other fields.



Students will demonstrate knowledge in a range of fields. They will cultivate a love of learning, and a love of the true, good, and beautiful through studying a broad selection of great works of theology, literature, history, science, mathematics, music, and the visual arts.


Servant Leadership

Students will demonstrate the ability to humbly lead others. They will seek to imitate Christ who came to serve, not to be served, as they practice leadership qualities honed through character training, mentoring, service, and daily discipleship.

What Is Classical Education?

Classical Christian education cultivates wisdom and virtue through meditation on the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.